Content 1979
Pinchouk V.G.
Present-Day Problems of Experimental and Theoretical Oncology
Vol. 01 N1. - C.7.
Abelev G.I.
Cell Principles of alfa-Fetoprotein Synthesis in Normal and Tumour Tissues
Vol. 01 N1. - C.12.
Emanuel N.M.
Quantitative Criteria of Antitumour Agents Effectiveness in Experiment
Vol. 01 N1. - C.18.
Balitsky K.P.
Neurohumoral Factors in Antitumour Defence
Vol. 01 N1. - C.23.
Suslov A.P., Brondz B.D., Andreev A.V., Blandova Z.K., Hering S., Kharkevich D.D., Chervonsky A.V., Egorova S.D.
Differences in Biological Properties and Immunological Specificity Between Cytotoxic T-Lymphocytes and Producers of Macrophage Migration Inhibition Factor Immune to the Antigens of the H-2 Complex
Vol. 01 N1. - C.29.
Raushenbach M.O., Bykovskaya S.N.
Proliferation and Mechanism of T-Lymphocyte and Tumour Target Cell Interaction
Vol. 01 N1. - C.34.
Ageenko A.I., Erkhov V.S.
The Role of Embryonic Tumour-Associated Antigens in Tumour Growth Im-munostimulation
Vol. 01 N1. - C.37.
Chernysheva V.D., Tsikarishvili T.N., Fel V.Ya.
The Detection of Tryptophanpyrrolase Activity in the 22a Hepatoma Cells After Treatment with C3HA Mouse Spleno ytes Sensitized to Normal Cell Antigens
Vol. 01 N1. - C.41.
Umansky Yu.A., Slinchak S.M., Gudim-Levkovich K.A., Semenova-Kobzar R.A., Kjwbasyuk S.A.
Use of Diffusion Chambers for Studying the Interaction Between Human Lymphocyte and Tumour Cells
Vol. 01 N1. - C.45.
Tereshchenko I.P., Kashulina A.P., Saraeva Z.M., Khaisman A.E.
Experimental Approach to Study of Metastatic Process
Vol. 01 N1. - C.49.
Struk V.I., Savtsova Z.D., Denisenko O.Yu.
Characterization of Retrovirus Produced by Cell Cultures Established from Rat Mammary Adenocarcinomas Induced by 7,12-DMBA
Vol. 01 N1. - C.54.
Ivashchenko Yu.D., Bykorez A.I.
The Structural Abnormalities of Rat Gastric Mucosa Under Experimental Cancer
Vol. 01 N1. - C.59.
Turusov V.S.
Tumours of Skin and Its Appendages Induced in Mice with 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine
Vol. 01 N1. - C.63.
Sidorik E.P., Beregovskaya N.N., Yurkovskaya T.N.
Metalloenzymatic Hepatic Complexes at Early Stages of Mammary Carcinogenesis
Vol. 01 N1. - C.67.
Ird E.A., Smirnova I.O.
Importance of Sex Hormones in the Development of Uterus Sarcomas Induced with Dimethylhydrazine in CBA Mice
Vol. 01 N1. - C.69.
Samundzhan E.M., Baeva E.V.
The Insulin-Storing Function of Blood Erythrocytes Under Mammary Cancer
Vol. 01 N1. - C.70.
Devotion to Science
Vol. 01 N1. - C.71.
Experimental Oncology Problems Discussed at the 3d AH-Union Oncologists' Congress
Vol. 01 N1. - C.72.
Ageenko A.I.
New Data in Leukosis Studies
Vol. 01 N1. - C.75.
Dyadyusha G.F., Turkevich N.M., Bulkina Z.P.
The Whole Life Devoted to Science
Vol. 01 N2. - C.3.
Kavetsky R.E.
Theoretical Foundations and Experimental Data on Tumour Progression and Metastatic Development
Vol. 01 N2. - C.10.
Shapot V.S.
Tumour and the Host
Vol. 01 N2. - C.16.
Balitsky K.P., Umansky Yu.A.
Some Problems of Antitumoral Resistance in Works by R.E.Kavetsky and His Disciples
Vol. 01 N2. - C.24.
Butenko Z.A.
Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Leukemogenesis
Vol. 01 N2. - C.32.
Samundzhan E.M.
The Role of Steroid Disbalance in Carcinogenesis
Vol. 01 N2. - C.42.
Emanuel N.M.
Quantitative Experimental Chemotherapy of Tumour Processes
Vol. 01 N2. - C.46.
Sidorik E.P.
Biophysical Regularities in Development of Various Genesis Neoplasms and Under Conditions of Anticarcinogenic Modificatory Factors Influence
Vol. 01 N2. - C.53.
Bulkina Z.P., Kulik G.I., Mosienko V.S., Loseva I.M.
Changes in the Organism Induced by Antitumour Agents and Attempts of Their Correction .
Vol. 01 N2. - C.59.
Berdinskikh N.K.
On the Role of Polyamines in Tumour Growth
Vol. 01 N2. - C.64.
Shlyakhovenko V.A., Negrey G.Z., Kozak V.V.
Ribonucleases of Acid-Soluble Proteins of NuclearChromatin from Normal and Leukaemic Hemopoietic Cells
Vol. 01 N2. - C.67.
Ivashchenko Yu.D., Bykorez A.I.
Cell Population Kinetics in Adenocarcinomas and Normal Pyloric Glands of Rat Stomach Mucosa
Vol. 01 N2. - C.73.
Problems of Experimental Oncology at the 4th European Immunological Congress and Soviet-American Symposium on Immunology and Immunotherapy of Tumours
Vol. 01 N2. - C.79.
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